6 Ways to Ensure You Can Work Successfully at Home

16 Nov 2022

When working as a contractor, you often work on projects entirely at home, or at least for a portion of your time. With this being the case, inevitable distractions get in the way of your working day. For example, you might be looking after your children, you may need to entertain your dog, or you may have a generally busy home. However, you still need to complete your work, and it is essential to ensure you can work successfully at home. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your working day.

Productive Environment

Before you can work successfully at home, you need to ensure you have a dedicated workspace or office. Working from your living room couch is not a good way to work as apart from anything, it can be damaging to your body if you are hunched over your laptop all day. If your client cannot provide the IT equipment you need, you will need to invest in these. You may need other things, such as a stable internet connection, mobile phone, stationery etc.

Set a Routine

Contractors can set their schedule while also ensuring they are available at times the client might need to speak to them or reply to emails. With this flexibility, it can be challenging to manage your time efficiently, which is why it is crucial to set a routine. It should include the tasks you need to complete each day, hours you plan to work, and your breaks.

Reduce Distractions

It is impossible to get any work done if you’re constantly distracted. It doesn’t need to mean distractions caused by other people; you may be your own worse enemy!  It could be that you are in the habit of checking your social media accounts every ten minutes or you are addicted to a particular game on your phone. Suppose you are easily distracted; set a timer or turn off your phone to allow you to concentrate for set periods. If you live in a busy house, find a quiet place to work. You may even want to stick a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door!

Communicate with Clients

You’re busy working on your projects, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check in with your client on a regular basis. Tell them how you’re getting on, ask if you don’t understand something, and reach out if you hit a quiet period. A simple check-in is enough to reassure your client that you’re working.

Leave the House

To work successfully at home, you need to leave the house! It can be easy to get caught up in your work to the point where you find yourself at home night and day. Make sure you get out for a walk or nip out for a coffee. Otherwise, you will find your working day much more tedious. It is good for both physical and mental well-being to get out in the fresh air.

Enjoy the Flexibility

Above all, enjoy the fact that you have the freedom to work from home. You don’t need to work 9 to 5 as you do in the office, and you shouldn’t feel guilty if you take an hour to yourself during the day. If you work the hours your client asks and complete the work assigned to you, you can make the most of being able to work remotely.

At myCOS, we always look for talented contractors to add to our database. If you have specific skills and are looking for a contract opportunity, email us at info@mycos.net. We will arrange a call to discuss your needs in more detail.

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